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Author Dow Chemical - Between $300 and $500 per victim : Dow accidentally killed 20,000 in the 80's and feels really bad about it, according to this internal memo. Note: this memo may be fake, I dunno. Note 2: Fine, it's fucking fake. And not even a fake memo at that -- rather, a fake press release. blah, eat me
Puppet Master
re: Again Dec 05 2002 09:38AM EST

Originally posted by LOLOLOLOLOLOL:

I love the anti-Bush people. On the one hand they say he's an idiot and others tell him what to do, but on the other hand he's a evil mastermind out to control the world. If the Bush's wanted to control the world or profit from Iraq's destruction don't you think George Sr. would have done it in '92?


- hahhhhhh! Nope just a moron who is doing what he's told to.

Now get back to work.

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re: Hmmmmmmm, curioser and curioser... Dec 05 2002 01:49PM EST

Rudimentary mistakes? Like using an apostrophe to pluralize? Moron.

Originally posted by Breaking the Waves:

pud is obviouly going to be royally bitchslapped over posting this fake memo (I'm rushing to type this before the memo and the attendant entry on FC's main page is removed). It's obviously too much "work" for pud to check these memo's for even rudimentary mistakes in accuracy and reliability. But what can one expect from a guy whose whole "job" is basically done for him by yahoo, Cnet, and trolling assholes who send in obviously fake memos such as this one?

Good job, puddy! Now role over like a little bitch dog for Dow like you did for Ford.

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re: Gas the Bastards!!! Dec 05 2002 01:58PM EST

it was fun when you busted out that ethan hawke comment, very witty, but now you're just a lying sack of shit. but that's what makes the internet great for you, huh? you can be a lying coward and not face any consequences. rokk on dude!

Originally posted by Cheesy Nuts:

Who's been trolled? I'm also CEO of Corporate America and planted the non-countries (Guam, anyone?) and the response to draw a dumbshit like you out! No THAT's irony!

You truly are a cog! All the more for ME!

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re: Gas the Bastards!!! Dec 05 2002 10:53PM EST

hey dipshit guam is part of the US

Originally posted by CEO of Corporate America:

While I enjoy sending American jobs overseas to India, I think we can all agree that Indians do not buy enough American products or services to justify their existence on this planet. I believe Dow was right to gas all of those Indians. Though Dow claims it was accidental, we all know better.

Other countries that deserve to be gassed include Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Uruguay, Saipan, Guam, Tibet, Chad, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Nova Scotia, Iceland, Greenland, Estonia, and Haiti. These are countries that are either too poor, too small or just annoying enough to not matter to the US. I believe everyone in them should be dead, because they do not buy enough American goods and services.

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re: Fuck it Dec 05 2002 11:03PM EST

You fucking idiot GWB is anti-christian...

Originally posted by Go GW:

All left weenies slow us down I'm sick of cowtowing to other countries and left wing beacuse we lead the world in everything and should act like it. Reagan won the war and Clinton almost gave it away but we have a new leader who is doing the right kind of leading. We dont need to go and fix every problem in the world we did not cause. About time we got more respect becaue of our strength and values as a christian nation. GW is doing it right so leave him alone. Elections proved that. The economy is back and we have our military in good shape. We dont' need anything else. Go GW!

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re: Again Dec 05 2002 11:13PM EST

the people behind him are the evil masterminds.

he plays dumber than he is, but having done a lot of coke, that's probably not hard.

Originally posted by Puppet Master:


- hahhhhhh! Nope just a moron who is doing what he's told to.

Now get back to work.

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